Imagine Visitors Building Your Business.
For Free. Why? Because They Want To.
SBI! has long been the best way of building a successful online business, for most people. That's no idle statement. No other company has its track record of success. No other company proves it, either.
They would... if they could.
And their challenge continues to get tougher...
With the integration of Content 2.0 into its already extensive suite of 80+ tools, SBI! brings the power of user-generated content to everyone, an extra business edge at no extra cost.
SBI! and Content 2.0 push way beyond blogging. It's true content generation for the solopreneur.
A Video Introduction
"Content 1.0" drives the viral power behind every SBI! site...
Content Traffic PREsell Monetize
"Content 2.0" shifts your business-building efforts into high gear. Only SBI! members (SBIers) can put this content-generating platform at the fingertips of their visitors.
Content 2.0 enables every visitor to an SBI! site to create web pages (with text and images) on the site, expanding its content base and attracting more natural search engine traffic. Each new page is automatically linked within the site for optimal search engine results.
Other visitors comment on the newly created pages. (Yes, visitors comment on other visitors' pages!) The pace accelerates and spreads virally, just like at such famous sites as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr... except it's your site.
Click here to view the "Intro to Content 2.0" video (7.5 minutes in length).
Facebook... YouTube... Twitter... Pinterest
What do the above businesses have in common?
OK, you wish you owned them!! So do we. What else?
If you answered, "Their visitors built their businesses by creating and uploading content for them," you're 100% correct.

Visitors upload...
- "themselves" to Facebook
- videos to YouTube
- short messages to Twitter
- photos to Pinterest.
Why do they do it? Because they want to.
How do we know that? They do it for free!
It doesn't stop there. It's just the beginning. People develop followings, build relationships, communicate. Strangers become friends, pass the word virally, and round and round it goes, growing like crazy.
Content: What Is It?
Why Is It So Powerful?
What happens when you combine the power and usability of a perfectly executed content site with the RSS distribution of a blog, and Content 2.0? The best of both worlds just became way better. SBI! is much bigger than blogging!
Content Traffic PREsell Monetize
Here's the basic concept...
- Content: High quality Content (text, images, video), when properly developed and formatted, attracts free, targeted visitors.
- Traffic: These targeted visitors that arrive through search engines like Google are, by definition, interested in your niche. They're impressed by good content.
- PREsell: Your high-value information develops trust and confidence. Your targeted visitors like you.
- Monetize: Then, and only then, can you convert that targeted, PREsold traffic into income in a variety of ways.
It all starts with Content, which is anything that Web surfers "consume" online... text-based web pages, photos, videos, even catching up with what's new on Facebook.
Speaking of Facebook, it's a good example of several well-financed and sophisticated startups that have been able to spend tens (hundreds, in some cases) of millions of dollars to create platforms to enable visitors to create 100% of their content (see above).
SBI!, with the addition of Content 2.0, is the first platform that gives solopreneurs the same capability.
Blogging is not truly interactive. Why? Because you still create most of the real content. Comments are generally non-existent or of low "content quality."
Content 2.0 empowers you to develop a community that contributes hundreds of pages of real content for you. Your site grows and becomes a true "hub" for your niche.
Build the Platform and They Will Come. So Will Their Friends.
What else do Facebook/YouTube/Twitter etc. have in common? They provide "the platform." This is the technology that enables visitors to...

- upload as easily as possible
- let others know about it
- enable others to visit and interact (e.g., rating, commenting, "friending") and spread the word even farther.
This potent combination is responsible for the explosive viral growth that has made them so popular, so quickly. YouTube serves over 1 billion videos per day! Facebook is closing in on Google as the most visited site on the Web. Twitter is in the Top 30.
Remember, they do not create a single bit of "content" (text, images, videos). When others do it for you, when it's easy to pass the word, when visitors do it because they want to do it...
Your site builds itself. Community happens. Traffic soars. Business grows.
What Does This Have to Do With You?
It would cost you tens (hundreds) of millions of dollars to build a platform and pay for the hardware and bandwidth to start a company like Twitter. You likely don't have that type of money in your wallet.
There are companies that will host your blogging for free (e.g., Blogger). If you're serious about business-building, this is the most serious mistake you will make because you do not control your business. Ultimately, your business is exposed to changes in rules, a decision to terminate the service, etc. Check the agreement. You'll find your risk is total and out of your hands. Beyond that...
You're back at Square 1. If you think of it, your blog is merely content that you create for Blogger and others like them. They benefit from it far more than you ever will. That's why this type of content is now called "digital sharecropping" -- you do the work, and others get most of the benefit.

So what does Content 2.0 have to do with you?
Everything! Because it's all about you and your business. You don't build content for us ( You use Content 2.0 to accelerate your own business growth.
Up until now, the small-business person online was shut out of all this action. The most interaction you could hope to generate was to get a few comments on a blog post. The only trouble is that most blogs are basically unvisited...
Only a few exceptional people have the time, talent and inclination to blog frequently and become a high-traffic "news center" of their particular area of interest (e.g.,, or to be known as a creative commentator (e.g., Even then, many of their posts have few or no comments.
So, for the most part, blogs are not really "conversations." One person still writes all the content. You. It's hardly the viral hub of activity that you want your business to become. It's not much different than the "1-to-many writing" of non-blog websites.
This was as good as "user-generated" content got for the small business website. Until now.
Want to Start a Small Business Online?
Blogging Is Not the Correct Format
Yes, blogging is "easy to do." But creating sites has been easy for years. It's building a long-term, evergrowing e-business with equity that's hard to do. How many blogs have any real, long-term value to them? How do blogs build equity? They don't.
A blog is organized like a stack of magazines (by date), and not like an informative and entertaining reference book. For example, if you blog on the island of Sicily, your "site" is a bunch of dated posts.
But if you build a traditional site about Sicily, your site is organized properly, by major topics, and then by sub-topics. You update the pages rather than leaving 3 year old posts lying around (who reads 3 year-old newspapers?).
Why is this so important? Usability. Most people only search for information about Sicily when planning a trip, for example. They want a site that's knowledgeable, passionate and properly structured. They don't want to figure out how a bunch of clippings fit together.
And that's why, according to Google, most people who follow a blog come to read the most recent post, don't comment, and leave. No one reads outdated posts. But visitors explore good content sites.
What happens when you combine the power and usability of a perfectly executed content site with the RSS distribution of a blog and Content 2.0? The best of both worlds just became way better. SBI! is much bigger than blogging!
Welcome to Content 2.0 and Visitor-Created Pages!
We saw earlier how Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest have cornered the market on "user-generated" content for personal profiles, videos, short messages and photos, respectively. Only one type of content remains for visitors to upload...
Full web pages! For your particular niche!
SBI! already delivers sites that attract high volumes of targeted niche traffic and become profitable, growing small e-businesses. With the addition of Content 2.0, SBI! now also enables your visitors to create unlimited web pages for you... free.
Why would they do that?
For the same reason as we saw earlier... because they want to.
Prefer to Watch Rather Than Read?
Click here to view the "Intro to Content 2.0" video (7.5 minutes in length).
Let's say that you have created an SBI! site about child modeling. Following SBI!'s proven process, your traffic builds even without the "2.0" (Top 1-3% results).
Who's visiting your site about site modeling? People interested in child models... agents, parents, clients. Content 2.0 (C2) enables them to participate, to build pages on a countless number of topics that relate to your niche. And because this is their interest, they want to comment on each others' pages, as shown in what's actually a real-life example...

980 Content 2.0 pages after one year. We have even had entries from celebrities who have entered their children, and child stars.
One of the coolest things is that I have been invited to teach a training workshop at Universal Studios for Aspiring Talent with Disney Studios. C2 is amazing.
Renee Lauren,
See the Difference in "Many-to-Many?"
This is not "one-to-many" where you write it all.
It's "many-to-many," where your visitors do. You give a voice to like-minded people with the same passion. Instead of your visitors' neglected option of commenting about what you wrote (i.e., it's all about you), you give everyday people with the same passion as you a real voice (i.e., it's all about them).
Give them a voice... and do they ever use it!
Because they want to.
Compare SBI!'s Content 2.0 to Blogging.
The Differences Make All the Difference!
Let's itemize just how different Content 2.0 and blogging are.
1) Bloggers have to create their own content, while visitors are limited to commenting. As Chris Anderson, executive editor of WIRED magazine and one of the most prominent bloggers, said (in Blogging Heroes, a book published by Wiley in late 2007)...
"A blog is this beast - a monkey on your back. It wants to be fed every day, but we all have jobs and it's hard to do. So I don't blog as much as I'd like."
With Content 2.0, your visitors do 99% of the work, from writing the content pages to commenting to each other.
2) Blogging is the right format for a small percentage of business models. Everyone else uses it because "everyone else does." Of more than 200 million blogs, almost all are dead.
A relatively small group of 15,000 SBI! users have a bigger edge than ever (assuming the goal is to build a profitable e-business). Check here for proof.
3) Content 2.0 synergizes with other modules. As visitors create new web pages, another module automatically adds these new pages to the site's RSS feed.
Subscribers visit. They read and comment. They engage with the site and each other. They don't just come to a blog, read the most recent post and leave. They explore a full website, not a journal of chronological postings.
4) Content 2.0 grows long tail traffic. The more good content your site presents, the greater your "long tail traffic." Because Content 2.0 explodes the content base, the amount of long-tail traffic keeps increasing. Diversity of content (wider variety because there are so many more contributors than just you) means even more long-tail traffic.
5) Content 2.0 and AdSense It! automatically converts all that traffic into AdSense income. AdSense It! takes every Content 2.0 submission and places 0-3 Google AdSense ads, varying in size and location according to how "aggressive" you want SBI! to be.
This intelligent module maximizes income, delivering dozens of ad placements, even varying the presentation of ads according to the length of the initial page (written by your visitor). It does the same for comments (if you set it to do that).
The secret? A complex algorithm drives the placement of ads, using Google's and experts' advice on how to maximize income (within your own comfort level of how aggressive to be).
AdSense It! is true set-it-and-forget-it monetization on your site!
6) Content 2.0 can be used to reinforce under-performing parts of your site. Choose the pages where to include Content 2.0, focus on underperforming areas, create more stimulating opportunities for visitors to participate, then sit back and conduct the growth.
7) Content 2.0 keeps your site alive when you don't have time to work on it. Because your visitors churn out lots of free content, your site is frequently updated, even when you're too busy. Visitors come back again and again. So do the search engines.
8) Content 2.0 is cheaper than blogging.
Blogging software is free. Many people choose to combine that with free blog hosting (e.g., This is a serious long-term mistake, as explained above.
Next, they "move up" to reasonable hosting at $60-$100/year. Perceived as cheap, many people start blogging. But without a single location that delivers all they need, only a very few exceptional people with specific businesses (news reporters, pundits, those who blog about blogging) can thrive.
The opportunity cost of lost time is never factored in. But you lose thousands of dollars worth of your time every time you start over.
Meanwhile, for only $199 more than the cost of blogging software plus hosting, SBI! delivers...
- the step-by-step process you need to follow
- every business-building software you need
- constant updating and upgrading of both process and tools (saving you the time of keeping up to date)
- unmatched help by both SiteSell Support and the SBI! forums.
Even without Content 2.0, SBI! is, in the long run, both cheaper and more profitable.
And with Content 2.0? Well, if you put a value of only $10 on each web page, it would cost you thousands of dollars per year to write as many web pages as your visitors do.
Review all that SBI! includes. You just can't get all that for $199 more than what you pay to blog. Not anywhere.
The only bloggers making money are those who write "how to blog" blogs, outstanding journalists who stay ahead of everyone else in their niche, and the very few, extraordinarily talented pundits who can turn out smart commentary on a frequent basis.
For everyone else who wants to build a long-term, profitable e-business, there's SBI!.
Snowball Traffic That's Already Snowballing
Content 2.0 takes SBI!, the only all-in-one business-building system, to the next level. Visitors grow your Web business exponentially, while creating a community of like-minded participants using your site as a single point of interaction.
Just like Facebook or Twitter, your visitors don't care (usually don't even realize) that they're building your business. Those wildly successful startups became worth billions of dollars through the free, voluntary "labor" of others. Content 2.0 won't do that for you, but it will multiply the equity in your SBI! site even further.
How? Why?
If you've ever built a non-SBI! site, you know that the biggest problem online is building free, targeted traffic. If you can't build traffic of your own, it's hard to get the viral spread going.
But SBIers do build their own traffic, highly targeted visitors who are just as interested in the niche as the SBIer in many cases. SBI! traffic is often referred to as a snowball, starting slowly and steadily gathering momentum as the interactions feed upon themselves.
Furthermore, visitors to SBI! sites are the type of people who want to participate! That's why Content 2.0 increases SBIers' traffic exponentially. It snowballs the snowball.
Content 2.0: The Small Business Person
Finally Owns the Explosive Viral Power of User-Generated Content
Content 2.0 delivers the platform that enables your site's visitors to generate content, and spread that content for you.
You are no longer on the outside looking in, wondering how in the world you can capitalize upon people's desire to share, to show off, to help, to have fun, to contribute, in areas and ways that interest them.
In many ways, it's the best form of user-generated content. Your visitors don't merely create "Profiles" and gossip ("Whassup?"). They do much more than just upload photos. They create real, valuable text-based web pages, the kind of content that Google really gets its teeth into and delivers tons of long-tail search traffic.
- Turn any SBI! page into an irresistible invitation for visitors to join in the fun.
- Visitors build web pages (including up to 4 images per page) to share everything from Caribbean adventures to, um, unusual tattoos.
- Other visitors then comment and rate the pages.
- Viral email notifications are built into every step!
And it's all internally linked, automatically, to strengthen the search rankings of your pages that offer C2 invitations. So your "core keyword traffic" increases, too.
What Does Content 2.0 Cost You?
Content 2.0 (C2) is included in SBI!'s all-in-one bundled price of $299, the same price SBI! has had for over 12 years despite frequent additions and upgrades.
In truth, this traffic-magnifying tool is worth hundreds more than $299. And when you consider what it does to site growth and interaction, traffic increase and monetization, it's worth thousands more...
For free.
Your Visitors Want More
Surfers are becoming more sophisticated by the day. They want to do more than comment on what you wrote. They want to express themselves. They want to participate. They want to communicate with like-minded visitors.
Only Content 2.0 puts this power into the solopreneur's hands.

I have seven SBI! sites and have added Content 2.0 on 6 of them. I have a total of 3102 C2 pages on my sites.
I see C2 as a way to put one's site on auto-pilot, so to speak. My sites keep updating all the time.
My sites get found for so many terms. Some C2 pages outrank pages that I built myself!!
With real people posting and interacting on a website, it makes the site look so much more genuine to first-time and even long-time visitors. One of my C2 sections, about lyric feedback, is so loved by visitors, it's almost unbelievable.
C2 helps to differentiate my site from non-SBI sites. They simply don't have this feature. It's a must-have.
C2 is the best form of leverage I've come across online. Visitors submitting content for free? What more can you ask for?
Mantius Cazaubon,
How Do SBI! Members Use Content 2.0?
SBIers use C2 in many ways. Some of the more popular strategies include their own niche versions of...
- Facebook Create pages for people who want to be regular contributors.
- Ratings/Reviews Services Visitors review/rate goods and services related to your niche!
- YouTube A site about ghosts even created "BooTube!"
- Question and Answer Pages Visitors ask questions. Others (and/or you) answer them.

My most successful invite is my 'ask a question' page. People are having fun with it, asking questions that I used to answer 1-on-1 by e-mail.
Now, by having people use Content 2.0 to submit their questions, I apply some impressive leverage. My answer is available to many more people with the same question.
The new C2 pages are nicely indexed by the search engines, drawing in even more visitors to my site with the same question. C2 not only saves me time while establishing me as "the expert," it gives me some opportunities to monetize on an amplified scale.
I have big plans for this module. It fits my site like a glove (or should I say, gauntlet).
Paul Southren,
SBIers use C2 to gather testimonials for goods or services they sell, to provide coaching services, to offer a place to share gripes and pet peeves, to hold contests, to have people provide book reviews.
Some others also use SBI!'s built-in newsletter functionality to boost C2. (Many people still prefer newsletters over RSS feeds -- many "ordinary surfers" still don't understand RSS.) They email their lists of subscribers (thousands to tens of thousands of active email addresses) about what's new, including great new pages created by visitors. Naturally, they invite everyone to jump right in.
As usual, you don't need to be brilliant to use it. The C2 Guide (both written and video) shows you many more ways to use C2 to leverage your site many fold.
And the back-office tools make it fast and easy to monitor and control the quality and quantity of user-created content. The result?
Traffic Soars!
C2's potential is, as they say, "limited only by your imagination." Nothing is left to chance. The C2 Guide shows SBIers how to really push C2's buttons. And speaking of buttons...
Content 2.0 is like having a "traffic-hyperdrive button" for SBI!'s already powerful, Top 3%, traffic-generating, business-building power. Traffic grows by leaps and bounds because...

- All C2-created content is optimally formatted (you're found for thousands of new keyword searches, the so-called "long tail of search").
- Visitors set more and more real inbound links to your site and the pages they create.
- Content 2.0 automatically creates the optimal, internal linking architecture.
- Repeat visits by your community increase dramatically.
- "Buzzzz" buzzes as emails fly around (e.g., email alerts tell contributors when folks have commented on their pages).
- C2 automatically updates and pings your site's Sitemap XML file to Google and Bing.
- C2 also updates your site's RSS feed, alerting both subscribers and blog engines.
If the above points sound complicated, they're not. It doesn't even matter if you understand them. Why? Because it all happens automatically. SBI!, together with Content 2.0, eliminates all the technical barriers, allowing you to focus on growing your business income.

I just wanted to thank you and your staff for being so wonderful & creating the best product on earth.
I stumbled across SBI! 2 1/2 years ago and my life has not been the same since! In November of 2005 I decided to start my first site,
It was steadily growing, slowly but surely. I would get some nice affiliate & Google checks of a couple hundred dollars each month.
Then C2 came and turbo-charged everything! I had no idea what this was going to do to my little website!
I quickly jumped from 700 visitors a day to 2500+ per day. Yesterday I had over 3500 visitors (my highest day yet).
I am now making over $100 a day in Adsense and affiliate commissions. And I currently rank #2 in Google for my main keyword!
I am not writing this to brag, but to simply tell you that SBI! is absolutely wonderful and I thank you with all my heart!
SBIer for life,
Amy Cordray,
Monetizing Is the Easy Part
A click of a button puts AdSense ads up!
Sell e-books, services or hard goods to your community.
Charge (recurring!) fees for specialized directory or ad listings.
Monetizing is the easy part (it always has been with SBI!).

My traffic and Adsense income have both gone up with the use of C2. My SBI! site was already getting a huge amount of traffic before C2, but the constant addition of C2 pages is causing the spiders to visit more often. Many of the pages built by visitors are being found very quickly on the first page of Google searches.
And SBI!'s automated RSS feed strengthens the results. Often times I'll find the new entries in Google searches within 2 hours on the first or second page of results.
This is a huge advantage for me. I would never be able to do all this on my own.
Wendy Legendre,
What Else Is in SBI!?
While we shine the spotlight on C2, let's not overlook SBI! as a whole. Merely consider one tool, the powerful Brainstorm It! v4, the world's first smart brainstorming, niche-picking and keyword-researching tool. It alone is worth more than $299.
Basically, SBI! was already a product that includes a proven process, all the tools to execute, superb Support and unmatched forums, and constant updating — a product that delivers success at a rate that no other company can document.
It just got much, much better.
For free.

I have 609 pages that were generated for free by visitors who used Content 2.0. Not comments, or blurbs... real pages.
If you figure $10/page if you use a ghostwriter, that's $6,090 in savings. Building my site bigger (more authority and PageRank), freeing up my time, and taking a seemingly narrow topic and getting hundreds of people's unique opinions on it.
Visitors: I looked in my Google Analytics for entry pages and found that 18,438 unique visitors had entered into my site through a C2.0 page. This is the long-tail at work. These pages increase the odds that I show up for thousands and thousands of rare search queries.
Revenue: Analytics let's you track revenue if you have the e-commerce function enabled. The total for C2.0 pages that were involved with sales was $41,422.
In 12 months of using Content 2.0, we're looking at $6,000 in savings from ghostwriters and up to $41,000 in additional revenue!
David Roth,
This update is but one example of how SBI! keeps snowballing the snowball...

In Dec 2008, I had 609 pages created, 18k visitors from the pages, and $42k in sales generated from C2.0 pages.
As of October 2009, I have 1183 pages generated through C2.0!!! Since implementing, I've had over 104,000 visitors enter through those pages. And even better, my C2.0 pages have been involved with $199,285 in sales (according to Google Analytics.)
Content 2.0 continues to have a snowball effect. I like to look at referring keywords to see how much traffic the long-tail is bringing. As of this month, I have visitors coming from over 50k unique keywords (and with SBI!, I get that complete report whenever I want it).
The sheer number of pages on my site not only increases these long-tail searches, it creates more authority on my site, saves me on ghostwriting (1183 pages @ $10/page is $11,830 saved), and also increases my sales.
I expect even greater things in the next year as well! The snowball is on an unstoppable roll.
David Roth,
How to Get Started
Only SBI! integrates the world's most complete set of tools into an all-in-one, success-generating package, including Content 2.0, which puts the power of user-generated content to work for you.
So how do you get started?
"Venture nothing, and life is less than it should be."
Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990)
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